International Conference on High Energy and Nuclear Physics

26th - 27th June 2024,
Zurich, Switzerland

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


27th May 2024

Final Paper Submission

6th June`2024

Registration Deadline

16th June`2024

Conference Date

26th - 27th June 2024,

Call For Paper

High Energy and Nuclear Physics
CP violation, rare decays, CKM
Electroweak physics
Equation of state for dense nuclear matter
GRID distributed analysis in high energy physics
Hadron spectroscopy & exotics
Hadrons in the nuclear medium
Hard break-up reactions involving nuclei
Heavy ion collisions & quark matter
Heavy quark physics
Lattice calculations & computational quantum field theory
Mathematical aspects of QFT & string theory
Modification of nuclear structure function in nuclei - EMC effect
Neutrino physics
Nuclear matter at high densities and neutron stars
Particle astrophysics & cosmology
Parton-propagation in the nuclear medium and color transparency phenomena
Probing high density fluctuations in high energy physics
QCD hard interactions
QCD soft interactions
R & D for future accelerators, detectors & new facilities

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