International Conference on Thought Experiments in Modern Physics

16th - 17th August 2024,
Raozan Upazila, Bangladesh

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


17th July 2024

Final Paper Submission

27th July`2024

Registration Deadline

6th August`2024

Conference Date

16th - 17th August 2024,

Call For Paper

Thought experiments and physics
Contemporary thought experiments in physics
Methodology and analysis of thought experiments
Thought experiments in physics and related sciences
Brownian ratchet
Bucket argument
Cosmic catastrophe
Feynman sprinkler
Galileo's ship
Ladder paradox
Maxwell's demon
The Monkey and the Hunter
Newton's cannonball
Popper's experiment
Rotating spheres
Sticky bead argument
Temporal paradox
Twin paradox
Thought experiments in quantum mechanics
Schrödinger's cat?
Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester
EPR paradox
Hardy's paradox
Heisenberg's microscope
Interaction-free measurement

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