International Conference on Conflict Studies and Management

8th - 9th August 2024,
Bristol, UK

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


9th July 2024

Final Paper Submission

19th July`2024

Registration Deadline

29th July`2024

Conference Date

8th - 9th August 2024,

Call For Paper

Conflict management
Conflict resolution and conflict management
Conflict management models
Khun and Poole's model
Dechurch and Marks's meta-taxonomy
Rahim's meta-model
International conflict management
Applications of conflict management
Conflict management methods and techniques
Mediation and negotiation techniques
Decision-making processes in crisis situations
Strategic management and methods of conflict resolution
Economics and conflict studies
History and conflict studies
Social research and conflict studies
International relations and conflict studies
Psychology and conflict studies

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