International Conference on Human Evolution and Speciation Genetics

11th - 12th November 2024,
Malacca, Malaysia

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


12th October 2024

Final Paper Submission

27th October`2024

Registration Deadline

4th November`2024

Conference Date

11th - 12th November 2024,

Call For Paper

•    Evolutionary biology
•    Evolution
•    Evolutionary processes
•    Speciation
•    Speciation process
•    Gene transposition
•    Speciation genetics
•    General principles
•    Geographic speciation
•    Peripatric speciation
•    Parapatric speciation
•    Allopatric speciation
•    Sympatric speciation
•    Ecological and parallel speciation
•    Speciation via polyploidization
•    Hybrid speciation
•    Artificial speciation
•    Isolated biological populations
•    Animal husbandry, agriculture and laboratory experiments
•    Hawthorn fly
•    Three-spined sticklebacks
•    Rates of speciation
•    Punctuated evolution

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