International Conference on E-Tourism Technologies

4th - 5th November 2024,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


5th October 2024

Final Paper Submission

20th October`2024

Registration Deadline

28th October`2024

Conference Date

4th - 5th November 2024,

Call For Paper

E-tourism, tourism and hospitality strategy
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality sustainability
E-tourism, tourism destination management
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality marketing
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality HRM
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality corporate governance and social responsibility
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship and innovation
E-tourism, value co-creation in the tourism and hospitality sector
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality and the cross-border markets
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality PR
E-tourism, tourism and hospitality social businesses
E-tourism, performance measurement, governance and intangible assets in the tourism and hospitality sector
E-tourism and voluntary-tourism
E-tourism and wedding-tourism
E-tourism and eco-tourism
E-tourism and sports-tourism
E-tourism and pilgrimage-tourism
E-tourism and corporate-tourism

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