International Conference on Religious Tourism Activities

3rd - 4th October 2024,
New York, USA

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


3rd September 2024

Final Paper Submission

18th September`2024

Registration Deadline

26th September`2024

Conference Date

3rd - 4th October 2024,

Call For Paper

Religious tourism activities
Cultural tourism
Visiting religious sites and monuments
Visiting religious sites and locations with religious motivation
Visiting religious sites and locations without religious motivation
Architectural and cultural sites
Pilgrimage routes
Pilgrimage management
Regional development
Spiritual training
Organised groups visiting sacred places as a tourism destinations
Missionary travel
Leisure (fellowship) vacations
Faith-based cruising
Crusades, conventions and rallies
Monastery visits and guest-stays

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